Oracle redundancies: Over 900 job cuts in China R&D centre

Only a few weeks after drastic job cuts (up to 10% of its workforce), Oracle is in the news yet again. It has made even more redundancies – this time in China.

Chinese media outlet 21st Century Business Herald has reported that Oracle has cut 900 jobs by closing its Chinese Research & Development centre.

Oracle’s excuse?

It’s again citing that it is refocusing its assets on its Cloud business.

Many Oracle workers took to the streets in protest, blaming the redundancies instead on Oracle’s response to current American/Chinese relations and also the recent sanctions.

What’s clear is that Oracle is continuing to restructure its business in favour of the Cloud. It’s ignoring other profitable areas of the business and also the majority of its current customer base.

It leaves us wondering – will the race to the Cloud be worth it for Oracle and its customers?

What can you do about it?

Understandably, customers are worried about what the Oracle redundancies mean for their support.

The job cuts are evidence that Oracle is not focused on innovations in the development of its on-premise software. However, this is what most of its customers are using.

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Source: ZDNet and 21st Century Business Herald

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