Inflation in the U.K is now in the single digits for the first time in eight months.
However, this still puts it at a 30+ year high at 8.7%.*
As a result, businesses are looking to rethink and reallocate critical resources.
This might look different for every organisation, but the goal will remain the same: futureproof your operations.
This is also true of companies considering an Oracle Database upgrade.
Given that the cost of merely supporting the database has risen 8% this year alone (and even more so over the lifespan of a contract when compounded over multiple years), you’d be forgiven for being worried about how this increase and a costly upgrade fits into your already squeezed budget.
So, there are three questions CIOs and IT leaders are asking themselves…
Your current Oracle database runs well, and has all the functionality you need, but Premier Support for it is ending or has already passed.
You now need to make an expensive decision…
Do you upgrade to the latest database version to continue receiving Premier Support, or stay on your current version but seek alternative support options that can maintain your legacy systems?
Some questions to consider before upgrading:
It’s worth keeping in mind the old adage, “if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it”.
Wondering how to fund your next Database upgrade (be that because you want to upgrade or because you have to) at a time when everyone else seems to be tightening their belts is a tricky position to be in.
But upgrading is not always necessary when there are providers like Support Revolution who support all versions of your legacy software.
Another option, as suggested by Gartner, is to consider harnessing the power of bargaining.
In recent times, when the going has been tough, organisations (and people) everywhere have sought relief from financial strains by approaching their suppliers for more suitable payment terms, or (ideally) more favourable rates.
It can be tricky to open negotiations with your vendor, especially with an industry giant like Oracle. But there are circumstances that your organisation can utilise to lower your existing support bills and recover a large portion of your IT budget.
It’s not unheard of for companies to offer price-matching schemes. Many organisations recognise that taking a hit initially could prove invaluable to the long-term relationship (and is much preferable to losing custom altogether).
Oracle is always striving to outdo other vendors in the market. Its competitive drive sees the vendor push to keep growing its market share, particularly now that it’s faced with more competition than ever before.
More recently, organisations have gotten wise to this. Using the growing number of alternative providers to their advantage, customers have been pressing Oracle to offer higher discounts and concessions by alluding to the possibility of leaving its support services in favour of another provider.
If, however, you’re in too deep with Oracle and the vendor can call your bluff, there is another way to recoup some of your IT budget and fund your Database upgrade…
If negotiating with Oracle or picking through your IT estate seem like loathsome tasks for the sake of another Oracle upgrade, then there is another way.
You may be recognising that with each new Database release, there is little in the way of improved functionality or additional features.
In short, most upgrades are not worth the expense and those funds could be better redeployed to another project or critical system.
That’s where Support Revolution comes in.
As an alternative support provider, we can help you:
Unlike Oracle, we focus on what we do best – providing unrivalled independent vendor support – which means we don’t pass R&D costs onto you for technologies you aren’t going to use.
This helps you make HUGE savings, as well as enabling you to reclaim autonomy over your IT roadmap.
You can then invest these savings into a Database upgrade when it suits you, and not when it suits Oracle.
Budgeting is hard – especially when there is so much going against business – but that doesn’t mean you have to let Oracle dictate how, when, and where you should spend your IT budget.
If you’re considering a move away from Oracle Database in 2023, have a read of 5+ (better) alternatives you should be considering below.
*Bank of England current inflation rate
Note on the blog:
This is an update of a previous blog How to Budget for an Oracle Database Upgrade in 2022. You can view the old version here.
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