Why flexible ERP roadmaps are set to take the lead in 2022

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We’re living through an interesting era, to say the least. It’s been a time of great change, altered perspectives, heightened ingenuity, and an unprecedented number of Zoom quizzes.

More specifically, though, the need for digital transformation seems to have accelerated somewhat and it appears that the momentum gained is not likely to slow up in 2022.

In fact, as organisations and CIOs push forward with adopting the latest technologies to support their changed, or changing, business models in these fiercely competitive markets, Gartner has predicted that global IT spend could increase by up to 5.5% to reach $4.5 trillion in 2022.

And leading the pack for adopting the latest tech trends? ERP systems.

But what steps are organisations taking, and what approaches are CIOs prioritising, to continue with the advancement of their IT estates?

“Flexibility is the key to stability”

While many think that the Cloud will be one of the biggest forces in the ERP market over the next 12 months, it’s been suggested that organisations will be searching for more flexible and personalised solutions.

Sure, CIOs (and just about everybody else) around the world are more than aware of the mounting Cloud front sweeping in from the vendors, but it’s believed that Cloud adoption has not yet reached its halfway point. The fact is many organisations – particularly in the aftermath of multiple local, national, and international lockdowns – have not had the budget, resources, or undeniable need to make such a costly move.

In addition, the relative ‘newness’ of the Cloud means there are several major areas that need to be better understood before many CIOs consider it a secure and viable option. For example, there’s apprehension circling the Cloud about cyber security and data leakages which would need to be addressed, rectified, and airtight before the great migration happens.

There’s also the very real possibility of vendor lock-in when it comes to the Cloud.

You just have to look at Oracle’s Support Rewards to understand the motive behind that offering – the more Cloud applications you adopt from the vendor, the “better” it is for you. Until, suddenly, you’re being held hostage in your Cloud cell with no third-party options to bail you out.

Finally, and perhaps most crucially, the customisations that organisations have nurtured for their on-premise technologies cannot currently be translated into the Cloud. These personalised developments (and their competitive edge) could be lost to the Cloud, unless you’re willing to pay out for a higher cost of ownership.

For those that are stuck between wanting to undertake a significant digital transformation and needing to upgrade their on-premise technologies, a more flexible ERP model could enable them to migrate parts of their system, without having to upgrade “the entire supertanker”.

Flexibility and composability have been noted as ESSENTIAL in the pursuit of more dynamic and cutting-edge technologies. What we mean by this is organisations having the scope and capacity to pick and choose what they want to include in their IT systems, based on what works best to achieve their business needs and goals.

ERP technologies, for the most part, have largely been designed with a ‘one size fits all’ approach. But, nowadays, that doesn’t really fly with CIOs who watch as competitors are able to propel themselves ahead of the market with a few tweaks and alterations (vastly understating the complexity, here) to their systems.

With such rapid technological advances (artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, cryptocurrencies, etc.) and the disruptive influence of the pandemic straining industries around the globe, organisations are seeking an offering with innovative processes and seamless interfaces. The driving force for which is largely attributed to a vastly improved user experience and operational efficiencies, as well as improved ROI, in the face of ongoing uncertainty and economic challenges.

So, what can these organisations do to access more flexible solutions that are better able to support every element of their IT estates and facilitate the end goal of digital transformation?

A step in the right direction?

As some organisations look to take more measured steps towards the Cloud, perhaps the growing demand for more flexible systems is a key factor in the anticipated uptake of Hybrid solutions in 2022.

Opting for a Hybrid Cloud strategy means your organisation could retain the customised elements of its estate with its on-premise technologies, while migrating workloads for modernisation can be justified.

The greatest feature of a Hybrid Cloud solution is its agility, enabling organisations to adapt their operations rapidly to remain both relevant and competitive, without putting all your eggs in one (expensive) basket.

But what if we could go one step?

Most CIOs are bound to two core agendas when it comes to an organisations IT estate: the first of which is cost optimisation, while the second focuses on investments that will, in the long-term, make money. A tricky balance to find while trying to keep up with the latest trends in the market, right?

Well, that’s where third-party support can help.

We have the expertise and know-how to support all Oracle products (including those the vendor has since shunned). You won’t catch us tripping you up with desupport dates either, so you can stick with your tried and tested system without the pressure of upgrading.

Our flexible approach to support means you can take the time to research the most suitable software for the future of your organisation, or (if you’re set on the Hybrid route) you can begin migrating select workloads to the Cloud platform of your choosing. Whatever you next step is, we can support you.

By placing your organisation’s remaining on-premise technologies in the hands of a third-party support provider, like Support Revolution, you could save at least 50% on your annual support bill.

You see, we don’t have an upgrade cycle or a Cloud agenda to push, so we won’t be charging you to fund the development of these new products (some of which your organisation might not actually use). In fact, it is our belief that organisations are being forced into unnecessary upgrades and are overpaying for support that doesn’t cut the mustard. Our core focus, and the driving force behind our ethos, is to provide the support services that organisations want, need, and deserve, at a price point that doesn’t make you wince.

In just one fell swoop, third-party support could be the answer to not just one of the CIOs key IT agendas, but both.

The savings made by switching to third-party support could be reinvested into your organisation to help you keep up with the latest trends in the market, and further those crucial digital transformation projects.

Staying upfront, keeping on trend

Mega-vendors are putting all their money, time, and resources into pushing forward with their Cloud agendas (at your expense), so why not adopt the same energy in 2022 and prioritise your own digital transformation?

If you want to find out how Support Revolution could help you enjoy the best of both worlds, while making HUGE savings, then why not get in touch? Alternatively, you can check out our guide to Hybrid Cloud solutions below:

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