How This Canadian School Board Ensured Compliance by Securing Its Oracle Systems with Enterprise-Grade Security

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This organisation serves 10,000+ kindergarten to grade 12 students at more than 50 schools in Canada.

The Problem

They required regular security updates from an established support partner to maintain compliance with their regulatory body

Not having these could have meant significant penalties and fines, which would have disrupted operations and significantly impacted their budget.

The organisation had been out of support for a significant amount of time, which put pressure on finding a viable option quickly within budget. 

If they had wanted to receive support from the vendor, the huge costs of moving to the most up to date, in-support Oracle software version would have been too costly and far exceeded their budget as a public entity.

The Solution

The organisation needed support to remain compliant and didn’t need costly innovation releases and updates from Oracle

They needed a service that ensured their compliance and would be available quickly should any issues arise.

Support Revolution recommends and deploys the Intrusion Prevention System of Trend Micro Deep Security which acts as a shield around the organisation’s entire system. This virtual patching process keeps their systems online even when patches and updates need to be applied with no downtime.

This limits operational disruption and ensures the organisation keeps running efficiently.

The organisation chose Support Revolution for this reason, being quick to respond to initial enquiries and a prompt onboarding process.

The Benefits

Compliance ready

As Oracle software does not have to be supported by the vendor, Revolutionary Third-Party Support for Oracle software keeps them compliant.

Efficient and tailored patching

They would now also receive enterprise-grade security patching.

Support Revolution provides security patches for its customers slightly differently from Oracle. We work directly with our customers and provide only the patches they need that fit perfectly with their setup. Our virtual patching method acts as a shield, protecting the entirety of the customer’s software estate before the threat can access its systems.

These patches are applied weekly, compared to Oracle’s quarterly patch updates.

Cost saving

By moving to Support Revolution, the organisation reduced its Oracle support bill by over 50%. These savings could then be redeployed into other Digital Transformations and AI projects.

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