How This UK Accountancy Firm Avoided an Unnecessary Upgrade, Maintaining Software Past Oracle’s Deadline With Support Revolution

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This organisation is an international network of public accounting, tax, consulting, and business advisory firms.

The Problem

The organisation’s PeopleSoft ERP was reaching its end-of-support deadline, but it wanted to maintain its current familiar systems and stay in support

The organisation was using an on-premise “legacy” version of Oracle’s PeopleSoft ERP to run its processes smoothly with its numerous offices around the world, and it was integral to the running of the organisation. 

They had no need for an upgrade or the associated disruption and downtime it would take to upgrade such an old estate. 

However, while they wished to keep the estate stable in its current version, Oracle was moving its software on. PeopleSoft 8.9 was reaching its end-of-life deadline, after which Oracle would not be supporting its software. 

For them, this wasn’t too great a concern, as it was hardly raising any support tickets with Oracle at all. Its problem was the amount it was paying to Oracle to maintain its existing setup, despite receiving very little support or service in return. The balance of value was tipped too heavily in Oracle’s favour.

The Solution

Support Revolution became an insurance policy for them, cutting costs and keeping supported while it planned its roadmap

They turned to market insight experts Gartner for recommendations on how to proceed. They wanted to change ERP providers and migrate to a new system but it was undecided as to which one. 

Gartner advised of a way to save money while it was deciding and pointed them towards two third-party support providers. Of the two options, they chose us. 

We understood their situation entirely; it didn’t need excessive amounts of support but had been expected to pay excessive amounts to Oracle. When they switched to us, we cut its support costs by 50% and extended the lifespan of its existing ERP estate indefinitely. 

Our third-party support enabled them to keep running its familiar legacy systems; it could use us as a failsafe to continue using its PeopleSoft ERP for as long as it needed. 

We have greatly reduced its support fees, meaning it was no longer under pressure to escape from Oracle.

We take care of supporting its software for a significant reduction in costs, and they can take its time choosing a new system provider.

The Benefits

Keeping supported without upgrading

If they had wanted to return to Oracle’s Premier Support, it would have needed to upgrade from PeopleSoft 8.9. Given how deeply integrated its systems were and how long they’d been in place, an upgrade to the most recent version could have caused huge disruption to the organisation’s network and services. This, however, wouldn’t stop Oracle from trying to move it towards an upgrade.

With our third-party support however, they receive the support it needs, while paying much less for the service and without the pressure to upgrade.

Increased lifespan of legacy systems 

Unlike Oracle, we don’t put end-of-support deadlines in place; in fact, we do quite the opposite. We can support all versions of Oracle Databases/Applications, including versions that Oracle has left unsupported.

We enable organisation’s to continue using “legacy” products indefinitely, and for as long as necessary.

Recommended by Gartner

In 2019, Gartner published a market guide acknowledging the growing demand in third-party support for Oracle and SAP software. 

This report explains the increase in demand, why organisation’s need to consider it, and lists what Gartner considers to be the best options currently available in the market – including Support Revolution. 

The organisation was encouraged by Gartner to consider our third-party support and has already greatly benefited from our services.

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