How a Leading Infrastructure Group Saved on Oracle Support Costs to Reinvest Back Into Vital Projects

Organisation Stats











This organisation is a construction contractor in the UK, primarily focused on financing, developing, building, and maintaining construction projects, while also being involved in infrastructure investments, and other support services.

The Problem

After moving back to Oracle to complete an upgrade, the organisation were planning to move back to third-party support after its completion to save on rising support costs and recapture some funds after the expensive upgrade was finished

These vital savings would be much needed to serve other projects, but with their upgrade soon to be completed, the transition back to third-party support needed to be finalised in a timely manner. 

Despite having utilised third-party support in the past, they were open to examining alternative providers from those they had previously used.

The Solution

Support Revolution were able to provide them with solutions for supporting their E-Business Suite software, and evidence this with references from other organisation’s that had benefited from their support in the past

They were also impressed with Support Revolution’s understanding and experience in supporting all Oracle legacy software and were able to meet with key personnel from key departments early in the discussion process.

Support Revolution also provided clear and honest detail regarding the long-term strategy of supporting their Oracle estate and any additional services they could utilise to get the most out of their software. 

What’s more, Support Revolution were clear from the off that they wanted to develop a long-term partnership with them and thoroughly understand their whole estate to help develop it further in the future.

The Benefits

Their move to Support Revolution has meant they’re now guaranteed resolution SLAs for any issues they raise and will receive bespoke fixes tailored to their needs

This also means they’ll receive improved technical support and advice for their E-Business Suite software, as well as their U.K Payroll without having to pay extra to Oracle for Market Driven Support to keep their older systems supported (which would come at even greater cost). 

The long-term partnership they now have with Support Revolution, not only gives them an improved and flexible support for all their legacy Oracle software but gives them a 6-figure saving on their support and maintenance that they’re able to reinvest back into future technologies such as automation or AI.

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