This organisation are a multinational online payments company for both consumers and businesses.
They were using this to run several modules that were key to the smooth running of the organisation including: Financials, Distribution, and Material Management.
As a result, they were paying a considerable amount to support their SAP systems.
Not only that, but SAP would no longer be supporting ECC6 in 2027 so they would need to either upgrade to the latest software version – at great expense – or find an alternative before the desupport deadline.
After weighing up alternative support options, including other third-party support providers, they decided on Support Revolution to support their SAP software.
By moving to their third-party support, all tickets raised would now have a specific time guarantee on when they would receive a resolution to issues at any priority level.
This meant that – should their critical systems ever face an issue – they would have an exact timeframe on how long it will take for them to be up-and-running again.
Not only that, but they had made significant savings on the support they were already paying for — at least 50%.
Finally, Support Revolution were able to provide them with a quick turnaround after they gave notice to SAP in the September before choosing a new partner.
After choosing Support Revolution, the two organisation’s contracted at the end of November before starting the transition in the second week in December before the 31st deadline.
If you’re looking for superior support, contact us and you’ll save up to 90%!
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