How This UK Regulatory Body Saved Millions on Its Oracle Bills While Changing ERP Platforms

Organisation Stats











This organisation has four statutory objectives: promote market confidence, increase public awareness, protect

The Problem

They needed to cut support costs and reduce its number of Oracle Databases

The organisation has a large Oracle on-premise estate with roughly 300 applications. It also has databases, and middleware servers that support over 170 applications. The largest of these applications holds the member database, acting as the core system for all integrations within the organisation. 

Given the enormity of its estate, their Oracle costs totalled approximately £8 million. They wanted to implement ways to lower these costs, which would put it in a stronger position to adopt a Cloud-first strategy. 

While it was deciding on which Cloud provider to use, they needed a support provider that would support it in transition and reduce its operating expenses.

The Solution

We support the organisation during its transition while lowering its support and maintenance costs

While exploring the different Cloud options available, the organisation became aware of Support Revolution and our third-party support services following a recommendation from the Crown Commercial Services. 

Once the organisation realised just how much we could save on its Oracle support costs, they planned its strategy and enacted it very quickly. 

We took over support for a large portion of its Oracle Databases, significantly cutting its previous costs. 

They could maintain its existing estate with us at a greatly reduced price, while working on its Cloud migration and choosing a suitable Cloud provider. 

We also worked closely with their support partners to work through its support queue, resolving outstanding issues. Helped by our collaboration and dedicated services, the organisation was able to reduce from six separate support partners down to just one.

The Benefits

Savings to reinvest into the organisation

They chose Support Revolution for how much money we could save, and how quickly we could do so. The organisation was paying roughly £8 million a year to Oracle. Support Revolution managed to lower that cost by 87% year on year.

An improved security solution

As part of our third-party support service, we also implemented Trend Micro Deep Security as our virtual patching security solution. This security solution enabled them to receive immediate protection for its Oracle Databases, without the costs and operational pains of emergency patching, frequent patch cycles, and costly system downtime. 

Our security solution was so successful, they decided to expand it to cover its whole Oracle estate.

Support for longstanding processes 

The organisation uses an application called Gabriel – a piece of software that runs on its Oracle Databases. Gabriel is a critical application for them, as the organisation uses it on a monthly basis for financial reporting both internally and externally. Since switching to our third-party support, they continues to use Gabriel as normal.

Support under one heading

By working closely with its support partners and resolving outstanding issues, we were able to reduce it down to just one support provider, greatly simplifying the companies contracts.

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