Hybrid Cloud: The best of both worlds

The term ‘Cloud’ has been thrown around a lot during the last few years and has been used as an umbrella term for a great many things. There have been countless reports on ‘Cloud strategies being accelerated’ so it may sound like if you aren’t already 100% Cloud-based then you’re behind the curve. But is this really the case?

The Cloud vs on-premise debate has been the hot topic in the industry as of late, but what if there was a third option. What really is Hybrid Cloud and why should your organisation be taking it seriously?

What's in this guide?


All major software vendors have told you Cloud is the future, so why not get in now and future-proof your organisation? However, is moving everything to the Cloud right now really the best solution?

Cost saving

Some organisations adopt Cloud solutions as cost saving alternatives. An upgrade to Cloud removes the increase in support fees from the Extended and Sustaining Support which can save millions.

Impact of Growth

If you're a massively growing or changing organisation, you'll need to manage that growth and the demands it will place on some of your IT systems. Moving these systems to the Cloud allows for them to be more dynamic and scalable.

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