Three letter blocks with letters spelling SLA

Support Revolution’s 100% SLA success

High-quality proactive support provided to customers at maximum level for the third time in six months

Support Revolution is the UK-based provider of third-party software support and maintenance for Oracle and SAP systems. Today, it has announced that it has, once again, hit 100% Service Level Agreement (SLA) compliance. This means Support Revolution has responded to and resolved all customer incidents throughout June 2017 – SLA success!

The company’s 2017 average SLA compliance is now 99.3%, following ongoing hard work and dedication from its service desk and technical teams.

This allows its private and public sector customers to focus on system innovation and enhancements, rather than time consuming support and maintenance.

Customers can see how incidents are resolved in real-time. This gives them maximum visibility and confidence in the service provided.

What happens if we don’t achieve SLA success?

What makes Support Revolution different? As with any support contract, the most important thing for you is getting a good service.  Almost as important are your termination rights and how you can get out of your contract if we as your supplier are not performing.  We would like to reassure you that we have never had a contract terminated for poor performance, and never come close. 

You are protected no matter what. This month’s 100% SLA compliance goes to show that you never have to worry about support with Support Revolution.

“This is a great achievement for the whole team. We are extremely proud to be hitting such superior percentages especially when our SLA standards are so high. Our high achievement means that we are closing incidents quickly and efficiently for customers, helping their businesses to remain competitive, with IT systems running at optimum level.”

Mark Smith, CEO of Support Revolution

Find out more about Support Revolution.

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