Guide: How to recession-proof your IT systems

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Why read this recession-proof guide?

The global pandemic and subsequent recession have brought about huge losses in revenue, mass redundancies, and even liquidation in the most extreme of cases, to organisations globally. Budgets have been squeezed and the priority for IT departments has become to make savings now and prepare for the immediate future. 

Luckily there are a few ways of cutting costs and not impacting the service at all when it comes to your Oracle or SAP estates. Download our guide to find out in depth what cost saving options are available to your organisation right now!

Creating a competitive supply chain. Gone are the days of an AIO solution for your ERP needs, its time to compare your options and personalise your estate.

Investing into foundations/ streamlining processes. Investing when short of cash isn't usually the right response, but investing in foundations during recession will ensure your organisation won't collapse under pressure.

Scrutinise your software assets. What tools should your organisation be utilising to make sure you stay on top of your estate? What systems need to be reconsidered and what systems deserve more time/ assets?

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