The pandemic has affected organisations of all shapes and sizes. From small players to multinational companies, everyone is looking at cost saving initiatives in 2020.
In this week’s episode of ‘Third-Party Thursdays,’ Support Revolution’s Chief Commercial Officer, Victoria Molloy, explains what some of the bigger organisations are doing regarding their Oracle support contracts.
Watch this week’s episode of Third-Party Thursdays below.
Many organisations are reaching the end of their three-year Unlimited Licence Agreement term and are looking to certify out. They simply cannot afford to renew their contracts.
In 2021, multiple versions of Oracle software will be going into Extended or Sustaining Support. As organisations need to stay compliant and up to date, and because Extended/Sustaining Support is so expensive, they’re begrudgingly looking at upgrades.
However, given that upgrades are costly and time-consuming, to remain fully supported, stay compliant, and save money, organisations are looking at third-party support instead. This way, they can keep their reliable, “legacy” systems and remain supported for half the cost.
Wishing to avoid any more of Oracle’s outrageous support fees, organisations have two clear options: take support in-house or use a third-party provider. Some organisations have opted for this first choice and it has worked well for them so far. However, throughout the pandemic, rules on working from home or in the office have changed repeatedly. This has had an impact on IT teams and the projects they’re working on. Not only that, but unfortunately, many redundancies have been made due to COVID. Now, with smaller teams and less certainty about where teams are or will be based, organisations are approaching us to ensure support is covered.
If you’re considering a switch to third-party support to start saving on your Oracle and SAP costs, visit our Contact page today.
And if you’d like some guidance on leaving your Oracle ULA contract, download a free copy of our guide on ‘How to escape your Oracle ULA.’
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