Third Party Support
Want to cut your fees in half and improve the level of support you receive? Then before you renew SAP Support, read on…
As December rolls along, SAP customers are about to renew SAP support contracts. These customers will be locked in to their 2018 agreement with the vendor for another year. If customers want to move away, they need to provide 90 days’ notice (which is before the end of September).
SAP customers are likely to be paying up to 22% of their licence fees to SAP in December. These fees support and maintain their database and software for the next year. But they could be paying half that amount by moving across to Support Revolution.
Gartner has suggested that switching to a third party for support is one way of reducing IT costs and improving the quality of your support service. The analysts have predicted that up to 10% of enterprises will leverage a third party for their on-premise ERP technical maintenance and support by 2020.
Many organisations have already moved their SAP Support to Support Revolution. Enquiries are increasing each week as customers approach the 90-day notice period with SAP.
Customers are choosing to move to Support Revolution for a number of reasons, including:
Everything we do is ISO 9001 (Quality), ISO 27001 (Security) and ITIL accredited. We’re a service you can rely upon and trust.
By moving from SAP Support to Support Revolution, customers avoid mandatory upgrades, saving cost, time, and business disruption.
Customers also see immediate and ongoing savings. Support Revolution cuts your existing SAP Support bills in half. You also only pay for software that you actually use, not the entire licensed estate. We remove your shelfware.
The process of transitioning from SAP Support across to Support Revolution is very simple, taking around two to three months to complete.
If you want to consider moving to a dedicated, professional and more personal support solution for your SAP estate (or Oracle for that matter), and save at least 50% in the process, then it’s definitely worth having a conversation with us.
To move away from SAP Support and improve service levels for 2018, you will most likely need to give them notice by the end of September.
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