Support Revolution Vs
Vendor Support

Support Revolution supplies better quality support service for less than half the price of the software vendors.

Your current vendor support provider will likely offer you a tiered support approach, designed to encourage customers to welcome the latest technologies with open arms.

The declining levels of support, paired with rising costs, will result in many organisations being manipulated into forking out for unwanted, unnecessary, and (in many cases) totally unjustifiable upgrades.

Compare the service offered by the vendors and Support Revolution’s service below.

A woman looking at an up arrow

Your current vendor service



Support Revolution

Support for tickets raised
Repetitive upgrades

License audits

Extensive support contracts
Repetitive software and security upgrades
Regression testing
Aggressive sales approach
Desupport dates

The Support Revolution service



Support Revolution

Guaranteed ticket
resolution times

Legacy software support,
including customisations

Annual renewal conversations with your Account Manager

Not clear on third-party support?

Find out more about our third-party support to see exactly how we improve the quality of support for your Oracle software.

Get a better service for less than half the price

Calculate how much more you could save on your Oracle or SAP software support.

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