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Manufacturing Today: Industry 4.0 – a different revolution

Manufacturing Today recently published an editorial by our CEO, Mark Smith. It discusses the future of ERP systems in ‘Industry 4.0’.

Mark Smith asks: Does ‘Industry 4.0’ demand the latest and greatest ERP?

There’s wide agreement that Industry 4.0, or the fourth industrial revolution, is here. But what it actually means for manufacturers still seems to be up for debate. Digital transformation, the use of sensors & IoT devices, and the creation of much more data will all undoubtedly feature. But it remains to be seen if this will be transformative enough to count as a revolution, or if this will actually be more of a gradual shift.

Manufacturers will also be pondering what this means for the software they use to run their businesses. Should they update this to meet the demands of this shift in technology? The ERP software that is used to run most manufacturing businesses is surely going to have to become much more sophisticated. Will they need to invest in upgrades to keep up?

Manufacturers are very likely to be just fine using the software they currently have. Industry 4.0 may shake up their day-to-day business, but the ERP tools they use will likely remain the same.

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